What is OREZ?
OREZ: Redefining Fashion Backwards for a Sustainable Future
You heard it here first.... and I guess you are you wondering what OREZ means?
It might sound like an enigma or even a bit French, but the answer lies in the art of reflection. OREZ is simply ZERO spelled backward – a term we've coined ourselves for a new way of making clothes, and we absolutely love it!
So let us unravel the meaning behind OREZ and delve into our vision for a sustainable future that is so COOL!
Embracing the Past to Move Forward
OREZ means we firmly believe in the power of looking back to move forward. The clothing industry is ever-evolving, but true innovation often lies in rediscovering forgotten practices and materials. Our journey begins with a retrospective glance at traditional fabrics and techniques. By tapping into the rich heritage of textiles and craftsmanship, we pave the way for a more sustainable and conscientious future.
The Essence of OREZ
OREZ is not just a word; it encapsulates our commitment to reshaping the "fashion" landscape. We've crafted this term to symbolize a paradigm shift – a move away from the conventional towards a more sustainable and ethical approach to clothing.
A Fabric-Focused Approach
One of our key principles is utilizing fabrics that already exist or those that represent the future of natural fibres. Whether it's Prickly Thistle textiles, other natural textiles you've purchased elsewhere or even in your wardrobe, we advocate for a conscious choice in material selection. By repurposing existing fabrics and embracing the potential of sustainable materials, we contribute to a future industry that respects both the environment and its inhabitants.
Creating Fashion from Geometry
At Prickly Thistle we transform fabrics into stunning garments through the artistry of geometry. Our designs are inspired by the simplicity of squares, rectangles, and triangles. This geometric approach not only results in stylish garments, no cloth is left on our cutting room floor but also ensures that our clothes are comfortable to wear and visually captivating. We want to share this craft with you too.
Addressing Industry Challenges
Our mission extends beyond creating beautiful clothing; we are dedicated to addressing pressing issues within the fashion industry. Here are some of the problems we aim to solve with this new way, the OREZ way....
- Minimizing Fabric Waste - Did you know that a staggering 25% of fabric ends up on the cutting room floor during garment production? OREZ is committed to minimizing waste by utilizing innovative cutting techniques and repurposing fabric remnants.
- Increasing Global Fabric Recycling - A mere 1% of global fabrics are currently recycled. OREZ seeks to raise awareness about the importance of recycling textiles, encouraging a circular fashion economy where materials are reused and repurposed. According to earth.org the world produces 92 million tonnes of textiles waste every single year with 87% of the materials and fibres used to make textiles being bound for inceineration or landfill. Only 20% of discarded textiles are recovered with around 1% of these being recycled into new garments
- Combatting Fast Fashion - The detrimental environmental impact of fast fashion is a significant concern. OREZ advocates for a more sustainable and ethical approach to fashion, emphasizing quality over quantity and timeless designs that transcend fleeting trends.
- Reducing Plastic and Oil Dependency - Many clothes on the market today are made from synthetic materials derived from plastic and oil. OREZ promotes the use of natural and sustainable fabrics, reducing the carbon footprint associated with clothing production.
Join Us in Shaping a Sustainable Future
OREZ is not just a buzzword, it's a movement towards a more sustainable and mindful fashion industry. By embracing the past, adopting eco-friendly fabrics, and addressing industry challenges, we invite you to join us in shaping a future where fashion is both beautiful and sustainable. Let's redefine fashion together – OREZ style!
What will SHE say in 200 years.... I love your OREZ look!
Love Clare and the team x
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