Make time for tradition....

After a year that has thrown up many challenges around the world, we have found ourselves reflecting, appreciating quality time with loved ones and trying to catch a breath amidst the ‘on-demand’ digital rush that is today’s society.
In this diary entry we are honouring traditions. We all have them or adopt the traditions of others. Some are comical and fun, some trigger emotion and tears, some bring people together and ignite a sense of community. These special traditions may have been passed down the generations and spark happy memories with those you care about, they might help to amplify voices and campaign for a cause, or they might be traditions that give you a little moment of calm to contemplate life as we know it.
We want to make time for these traditions, in whatever form they take, not just this Christmas but always! We want to share our traditions with those we care about. It is sometimes too easy to let the stresses of life take over and that is when these important traditions might not always get the attention they deserve. So we want to give our Tartan Rebels the permission to slow down (just as we slow down the processes in our mill) to take note of the moments of magic that are happening on a day to day. Treasure those traditions that have been passed down to you as they have a legacy and need your care and attention to keep them alive (just like our 20th century shuttle looms). You really can make these days with your family and friends count (just as we do with every thread in our Prickly Thistle weaves).
We asked you to share your traditions with us and we were really touched by the sentiment behind these. From Christmas trees adorned with special ornaments to hanging handmade fabric pinecones that were created by a loved one that is no longer with us. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your traditions.
In our family we have an all-year-round secret tradition we created when our children were very little. It’s a handshake that only we know. We’d told the kids that if we ever sent someone else to pick them up from school they’d have to ask the person to do the secret hand code, if the stranger knew the code then it was safe and well. Now it’s a tradition! so when everyone else does the ‘traditional high five’, we have our version. Now that they are teenagers, they still want to do to the secret code and have fun getting on to us when we forget. This is something that carries no monetary value at all, but it fills our hearts every time and we hope our children will do the same secret code with theirs.
Many of these traditions will live on, beyond our time. They are so much more precious than what’s under the Christmas tree. We have an important job to look after them while they are in our hands and do our bit to pass them on to the next generation.
2020 must be remembered for something positive. So let's do it Rebels. Be the change! Share your traditions and festive moments with us...
What will they say in 200 years?
We have a tradition in our house, we never, ever leave the house without telling one another “I love you.” and if possible a hug and a kiss.
If you have to interrupt someone, if you have to wake someone up, you just never leave without them knowing they are loved, because you just never know.
Our son will be 27 next week, he is a graduate student working on his doctorate degree, teaching, starting his own business, about to be married, a very busy young man. He has chosen to quarantine with us, his parents, and every time, without fail, that he has to leave the house, there is always an “I love you”. We have noticed he has brought this tradition to his wife-to-be and her family.
Good things carry on, hopefully for the next 200 year’s and beyond.
I love the traditions of The Holidays and Family Traditions year ‘round. They keep us connected to each other, our past and our future. Love being a Rebel and honoring those same traditions of past, present & future ♥️
Growing up in a multicultural family, perhaps I had the wonderful advantage of experiencing more traditions than some. And while writing these lines now, quite a few have been woken from a very long slumber.
I was brought up in a home with both Christmas and Hannukah “Chrismukah” Family celebrations every year. We all were taught a musical instrument from a young age, and at our family gatherings, we would each have our turn to perform a tune. Guitar, piano, flute, trumpet, french horn, cello, bass, saxophone, and myself with the violin, we actually could have had a proper orchestra! Some would sing in harmony a favorite song, one cousin performed a magic show, my Father a fun chemistry show. Everyone sang, drank eggnog, hot wine, hot apple cider, cocoa, and ate until their bellies were full.
The adults played bridge until late, but listening to their jokes and stories from “back then” were not only entertaining but quite informative, and it was magical for many years.
We put together a tall, reusable, Christmas tree and adorned it with soft lights and tinsel, handmade ornaments passed down generations, popcorn chains, and presents laid at the base. Sometimes my Father even took out his electric train set to totally top it off. Yes, it was magical ( :
A Magen David shaped wreath that my Mother made from freshly cut pine branches and pine cones decorated our home’s front door.
I close my eyes now and relive the dormant memories. I see the fireplace lit almost every cold night, in the living room, giving warmth and a golden hue, and calmness.
My sisters and I often fell asleep right there on the hearth, after playing in the snow, or sledding at our favorite hill. Returning home, the ritual was known… We hung our snow drenched clothes, coats, hand-knitted (or crocheted) mittens, and hats on the stair railing, Mum or Dad had hot cocoa and grilled cheese sandwiches prepared because they were our favorite kiddie meals ( : we were exhausted and very content. Truly, it was magical.
The last gem that I will share is a family tradition we have, actually, the only one that has lasted even to this day, which is making Holiday sweets, candies, and cookies. My Grandmother made with my Father, and he has made with us for as long as I can remember. Our favorites are Fudge, Boston Cream, peanut brittle, caramelized popcorn…. sugar cookies and Gingerbread are still a top favorite to decorate (and devour). We made gift boxes and hand-delivered them to family and neighbors.
All of these are traditions, cherished childhood memories, and are all embedded in my mind, heart, and soul.
Like I said…..wonderful, magical, childhood memories. 😍
I hope you are making some with your little ones too. They grow up too fast, but the special moments you share together, even the rarest, will be with them forever. ❤
Yolande xx
Just amazing Clare. What you guys are doing at PT is heart warming, so creative & inspirational.
Sandy x
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