Rebel Blog

Don't Label Me - Label Them! Hey there, fellow ethical-warriors and consciously dressed badasses! For 2024, we've rallied around one powerful cause – LABELLING (plus we still have a few other causes on the go too....) but this little diary...
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Hands up, we have all probably bought one for ourselves or for someone else. We asked all around the mill and yes we either have Christmas jumpers, tee's or even pj's in our wardrobes.... but when you don't know you...
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For anyone that knows us you know how we feel about the present 'Black Friday' frenzy that now lasts days or even weeks. The last time we checked Friday was just one 24 hour day..... but hey enough about that....
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When we thought about Zero Waste clothing we really mean Zero Waste, ie no fabric waste. It's not only about the fabrics we make or the fabrics you use for your clothing. We really wanted to eliminate the 25% of...
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