No One Should Own Your Body

Embracing True Body Freedom, This is a Rebellion Against Fashion Ownership....
In a world dominated by fast fashion and fleeting trends, Prickly Thistle has been and will always challenge the "norm".
In a nut shell, we are not here to own your body. But what does that mean?
Well this means we simply want to provide you with beautiful pieces of clothes that will suit you and your unique life. Explain more? A simple clue is that when you come online to our store or visit Rebel Row our flagship store you will never find or see us trying to sell you a complete look. We don't want to be that brand that dresses you head to toe, and we feel no other brand should want to do that too. Why? Because no one should own your body, by very nature of wanting too we feel this sheds light on a core value of theirs - they want it all, yes greed... So we’re changing the game along with all of those other small makers who know their space and don't see a future with their logo on everything....
Both online and in our store our goal isn't to persuade you to buy an entire wardrobe every season from just us, quite the opposite. We believe in the power of building a wardrobe slowly, consciously, and in a way that reflects your individuality. Also let's not forget we have amazing items already in our wardrobe.
We always think that a maximum of four or five carefully chosen new pieces of clothing, including footwear, should be bought each year and all from different makers. This limit for new is so important, but of course go charity store shopping or clothes swapping as often as you like.
We love that every garment we create is designed with the intention of pairing seamlessly with multiple items already in your possession or with other makers creations. It's about quality over quantity, timeless style over transient trends and variety is the spice of life!
When we have people come into the new store we love more than anything that most only buy one thing. We usually chat about how do they decide on what one thing or what colour of that one thing, and inevitably we always talk about what they already have in their wardrobe that would go. Or if they are looking for footwear we share details of all of the British made footwear brands we love. We even talk about undies and where we can buy them in natural fibres and also made in Scotland.
So perhaps the next time you walk into a store or on your favourite online store, question why do they stock everything? Is truly one of the most admirable signs of an ethical business being one that they know we must make space for everyone and not want to "own it all" and "own all of you".....
Let's us know what you think, is convenience killing community?
What will SHE say in 200 years....
Love Clare and the team x
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