There’s a big difference between what we want and what we need. Sadly, that’s been distorted heavily and caused us to feel like we need lots of things to be… happy? Content? Fitting in with society?

Well society is sick. We’re addicted to buying and big corporations are the dealers. Our basic human need for belonging has been corrupted by hyper-capitalism, so that instead of seeking it through a physical sense of community, we’ve been led to believe that buying things is the answer instead. That having all this ‘stuff’ will make us feel good and accepted.

Some say Black Friday is a blessing for those with low financial income. From this perspective, sure. But when you zoom out and see the bigger picture you realise that Black Friday has never been about saving money for the disadvantaged in the name of inclusivity. It’s rooted in big companies reducing the price of products that were heavily inflated to begin with, and making obscene money… because in a frenzied state of discount! Discount! Discount!... people will end up spending more than they ever intended.

Black Friday is a symbol of the culture of abundance we are trapped in. The illusion of ‘cheaper’ triggers us to buy more… so we can feel that temporary rush of dopamine, accomplishment and emulation of the elite ‘successful’ lifestyles that are constantly dangled in front of us. Reminding us that we can always have more… even though we all know deep down that even the richest humans on this planet are not happy.

As well as exploiting customers, Black Friday also exploits the people employed in the supply chains of these big companies whose work is devalued by the plummet of prices and despite big profits made, they don’t any social benefit. Joining us in this exploitation club is mother nature, as the insatiable pursuit of consumption encourages us to overlook the devastating damage done to our natural environment. Finally, there’s small independent makers and businesses who feel forced to participate in Black Friday, even though they can’t afford to discount their products in the same way.

So that is why, like last year, we are saying BOLLOCKS TO BLACK FRIDAY and disabling our shop for the day in protest.

Rebels, our power is in our numbers, our sense of community and humanity… and our buying choices! This year let’s send a strong message to big corporations on Black Friday… if we don’t buy from them, they’ll have to change their ways. Afterall, it is our money that keeps them alive. Aye, money makes the world go round so let’s redirect it to the RIGHT PEOPLE … in our local communities, small business owners and companies doing right by people and the planet. FIGHT BACK

With love, always

Clare and the team



  • Philip Goode

    Really love your attitude to Black Friday and your ethos to the saving of the planet, I just wished I lived in Scotland especially round the corner from you folks.

  • Sonya Cassidy

    I love and admire this stance that you have taken for Black Friday.
    In solidarity

  • Annie Grace

    Thank you for your contribution. It’s heartening to read. Bollocks to Black Friday! Absofeckinlootely!!

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