Imagination - the Power of a Bad-Ass Quote!

We love finding Bad-Ass quotes and we think you love them too? They are fun, they are thought provoking, they say what needs to be said in a few words and they are quotable - they will be shared around the world. They spark your imagination and will then stay with you longer.
Albert Einstein is arguably considered to be one of the most intelligent humans on the planet Earth. All of his amazing work is bound to his skill of imagination. We cannot get over how Albert Einstein's quotes will make you believe that the success of the solutions to all problems is imagination. He put forward various amazing theories just based on his imagination alone, kind of reminds us that being child like again is not a bad thing!
Here is some of our favourites including one from Al!
- 'Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life's coming attractions' - Albert Einstein
- 'Believe you can and you're half way there' - Theodore Roosevelt
- 'Demand quality, not just in the products you buy, but in the life of the person who made it' - Orsola de Castro
- 'In motivating people to love and defend the natural world, an once of hope is worth a ton of despair' - George Monbiot
- 'Clothes are not going to change the world, the women who wear them will' - Anne Klein
So much can be said in a few simple words, what are you favourite quotes? What do they mean to you? We would love you to share them in the comments for everyone to be inspired!
What will SHE say in 200 years....
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