
    Repeal-It Marketplace

    Welcome to our Repeal-It Marketplace! 

    Our initiative to help ensure we buy less, love more and pass it on!  This is free to use by all of our customers who wish to ensure that every product we make is well loved and well used by anyone as much as possible.  The more we use natural fibres fabrics we in turn ensure less is manufactured, less carbon is consumed and we actively reduce what quite often ends up in landfill.  Natural fibre fabrics over their lifetimes are kinder to the planet, so we are taking a positive step to fight plastic based fabrics that are often acquired because they are 'cheap' and chucked away....

    To list your preloved piece of Prickly please just email with the following information and we will list your preloved item for others to love for years to come!

    1. Product Description & Size Info
    2. Product Condition
    3. Product Location
    4. Product Photograph(s) - Maximum 4
    5. Price (if you wish to charge)
    6. Shipping or Collection Options with charge
    7. Your Contact Details

    For all of your questions about how the Repeal-It Marketplace works, here is our FAQ page here.