Rebel Blog

It was summer 2021, which seems like a lifetime ago.... but the story of the Aliam tartan was born that summer and already feels like a century old legacy! We were thrilled and beyond excited to be selected as one...
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We have never written a diary entry about the amazing project that we were invited to be part of by Sam, and that was to create his very own "Sassenach" tartan. The prime reason we have never done this is...
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Heritage craft is defined as “a practice which employs manual dexterity and skill, and an understanding of traditional materials, design and techniques, and which has been practised for two or more successive generations.” This is traditional tartan weaving. It’s been...
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Cop26 being held in Glasgow is huge for Scotland. We’re delighted to be attending to put the spotlight on the (usually underestimated) fabric industry – one of humanity’s biggest polluters. It’s what we have been doing from day 1 and...
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Tartan and politics today. What’s our stance? Let’s talk about it. Politics in Scotland is nuanced and complicated, sadly it has been for centuries and still is today. It has been put on a World stage which has emboldened many...
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