Rebel Blog

Don't Label Me - Label Them! Hey there, fellow ethical-warriors and consciously dressed badasses! For 2024, we've rallied around one powerful cause – LABELLING (plus we still have a few other causes on the go too....) but this little diary...
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I have to say I love this phrase, and all credit goes to Howie Nicolsby who reminded me of it last year! But how true is it, you literally cannot polish a turd and make it shiny.... I felt inspired to...
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Have you ever clicked to read more about the clothing you might buy online? I always do, and it surprises me what I often find. But I was not always like that, I never looked at anything other than "size"...
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We have all heard of BC? Well the one I talk about all of the time, is BT, the world before tights..... which was not long ago! Less than 100 years ago, the 1930's marked an era where the fabric...
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