One F#cking Good Thing!

Here's the thing - we can't change the world, our lives, our planet, climate change, modern slavery and all the things we are passionate about in one step. It's the baby steps that will create big change.
At the conclusion of his documentary Blue Planet II, Sir David Attenborough famously explains: “We are at a unique stage in our history. Never before have we had such an awareness of what we are doing to the planet, and never before have we had the power to do something about that. Surely we all have a responsibility to care for our blue planet. The future of humanity and indeed, all life on earth, now depends on us.”
Therefore we are adding even more to our movement to help save the fabric of the planet one tartan at time, and this little extra is called - One F#cking Good Thing. Because hell yeah, we can all change the world OFGT at a time.
We will be sharing with you, every week all of our own and your OFGT's and then see where we go with this. We would of course love your suggestions to help spread the word about OFGT. This is just not about clothes but can be anything, little hacks that make being kinder to people and planet fun and positive!
To start us of our OFGT this week is to buy only what we need, not what we want. Taking the time to think about our purchases will enable us to become even more Conscious Consumers. It sounds broad, but when you ask yourself every time you go to buy something - you ask do I need this?
We would love to know what is on your mind that you've said for ages you would like to change and haven't? What small thing could end up being the start of a life changing opportunity? Let us know we can't wait to hear. We will have a page dedicated to your suggestions. Let's change the world OFGT at a time!!
You can also hear our little You Can't Say That podcast episode here, you can tell how excited we are about this!
What will SHE say in 200 years....
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