Rebel Blog
OREZ: Redefining Fashion Backwards for a Sustainable Future You heard it here first.... and I guess you are you wondering what OREZ means? It might sound like an enigma or even a bit French, but the answer lies in the...
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Don't Label Me - Label Them! Hey there, fellow ethical-warriors and consciously dressed badasses! For 2024, we've rallied around one powerful cause – LABELLING (plus we still have a few other causes on the go too....) but this little diary...
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We have all heard of BC? Well the one I talk about all of the time, is BT, the world before tights..... which was not long ago! Less than 100 years ago, the 1930's marked an era where the fabric...
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So we are 24 hours into the Conference of Parties number 27.... How do we feel about it? How do you feel about it? The most important thing is let's stay positive, remember our OFGT at time, easy, fun and...
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Here's the thing - we can't change the world, our lives, our planet, climate change, modern slavery and all the things we are passionate about in one step. It's the baby steps that will create big change. At the conclusion...
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